J'Ecoute Je Lis J'Ecris! 3rd Edition
Full-colour updated edition of the highlysuccessful J’écoute!, Je lis!, with a revisedemphasis on the core exam skillsNew to this edition• New section on all types of writtenquestions asked in the exam including:formal and informal letters, postcards,notes and messages• Exam Focus feature identifies what topicsare most frequently asked in the exam andhow best to improve student performance• Now Test Yourself exercise at the end ofeach chapter allows students to recap thekey language of that topic• Newfull-colour design and vibrant layoutfacilitates an interactive and fun approachto learningBuilds the key skills needed to succeed atboth Ordinary and Higher LevelsEach chapter is clearly divided into threesections to reflect the exam structure:listening comprehensions; readingcomprehensions and written exercisesIncludes student’s CD with relevant andauthentic aural passages
Full-colour updated edition of the highly successful J’écoute!, Je lis!, with a revised emphasis on the core exam skills
New to this edition:
New section on all types of written questions asked in the exam including: formal and informal letters, postcards, notes and messages
Exam Focus feature identifies what topics are most frequently asked in the exam and how best to improve student performance
Now Test Yourself exercise at the end of each chapter allows students to recap the key language of that topic
New full-colour design and vibrant layout facilitates an interactive and fun approach to learning
Builds the key skills needed to succeed at both Ordinary and Higher Levels
Each chapter is clearly divided into three sections to reflect the exam structure:listening comprehensions; reading comprehensions and written exercises
Includes student’s CD with relevant and authentic aural passages