Discovering History Sources & Activity Book
Divided into 18 chapters, reflecting the topics contained in the Junior Cycle History specification and closely aligned to the textbook Discovering History.
Encourages students to apply historical thinking, recognise key change and to explore people, culture and ideas.
Uses the same range of questions and activities as in the Discovering History textbook: Recall, Evaluate, Cause and Consequence, Viewpoints and Objectivity, Change and Continuity, Looking at the Evidence and Historical Empathy.
Includes revision exercises such as crosswords, short questions and key words.
Contains an abundance of historical sources: photographs, paintings, maps, primary source documents and extracts.
Activities and guidance on working with evidence and understanding ‘the big picture’.
Includes study and exam tips aimed at the student.
Provides guidelines and a suggested approach for the two Classroom-Based Assessments: The Past in My Place and A Life in Time.
Includes sections on how to study written sources and how to study visual sources.